Stellar Theme

The Stellar IgnitionDeck Platform Theme is for serious individuals, not-for-profit organizations and businesses, who aim to develop a large scale crowdfunding or fundraising platform.

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Engage with a Bold IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Theme

The Stellar IgnitionDeck Platform Theme is for serious individuals, not-for-profit organizations and businesses, who aim to develop large-scale crowdfunding or fundraising platform.  Coupled with the IgnitionDeck Suite or IgnitionDeck Enterprise, Stellar takes full advantage of all the features available to you within IgnitionDeck.  And it does it in style, with easy color customization and layout controls right at your fingertips.

The Power of 500 Framework at its Core

The tried and true features of 500 Framework are at the heart of Stellar.

  • 500 Content Widgets to build your custom home page.
  • The crowdfunding display project grid on the home page
  • Easy Color Customization
  • Deep IgnitionDeck integration – Crowdfunding, Commerce, Social and more.
  • WooCommerce ready
  • Responsive and ready for mobile and tablet visitors

What’s New With Stellar

Stellar introduces a few of its own new widgets as part of the 500 Content Widget scaffolding, and some fresh designs to what has become a standard in the crowdfunding arena – the project (campaign) page.

Call-to-Action Widget
A new ‘CTA Widget’ helps define a call to action right when you need it, making it easy to place a great looking headline and a button anywhere on your home page. Drop it into the chosen widget area on the home page, fill out a couple fields, and you’re done!

Trio Features Widget
The new Features Widget built into Stellar is a stackable 3 column widget that is perfect for listing features along with an icon for quick visual perception. Using the amazing Font Awesome package built directly into Theme 500, you can easily select your desired icons for each feature item.

The Features Widget is broken into three columns, and you can simply add another row by adding another Features widget to the fray. Complete control over the height, padding, coloring and more – you can even add a custom class to gain even more control over the elements of this widget.

A new look for the project grid.

Theme 500 has essentially used the same grid design for all of its child-themes aside from Venus, which introduced a great new design to the project grid.  However, Venus was built with pre-orders in mind – specially focused on the home page of the site being all about said pre-order.

Stellar has put some thought into the most important information on the project grid, and displayed it in a thoughtful and refreshing to grasp layout.  And with a very clear visual cue on hover of each item, it makes it easy to draw a visitor further into the website so they stick around!

The project page takes center stage.

Most visitors to the site of a crowdfunding platform don’t arrive by the home page.  They get there from a link shared by one of the project owners.  The project owners are your customers, and they want their project to stand out and be the center of attention when anyone gets to their page.  That’s why we made the featured image and video bigger, and we put the emphasis on them.

With Stellar we’ve placed the headline, the short description, and the project creator at the top – and it is very likely going to be the first thing a visitor looks at.  Those coming to the website via a link don’t need to know it’s your site right away – they just need to get right into the nitty gritty of the project they’re interested in, and then support it!  Once they’ve done that, they’ll explore a little more – and probably think about using it themselves.  We’ve made sure it’s very clear how they can support – with the support now button being very prominent in the upper right.


Stellar Color Customization

The color customization of Stellar is just like the Maximus, Venus and Classic themes – flawless.  Select your color palette and let Stellar do the heavy lifting of making sure it blends seamlessly into the rest of the design.  No more digging into CSS files to make sure your colors look nice.  None of these single color options gives the site a monotone drab feeling.  Selecting just a few colors and some different shades of them, you can achieve a website that feels like a designer custom-designed it to match your branding.

Slider Plugin Ready
We’ve made sure that Stellar plays nice with your chosen slider plugin, including the always popular Slider Revolution. You can replace the home page banner widget with a Slider widget and you’ll be off to the races.

Start Your Crowdfunding Platform with Stellar

With great power comes great responsibility.  IgnitionDeck Enterprise offers so many off-the-shelf possibilities, it’s tough for a theme to keep up.  Stellar is now that theme – ready to meet the needs of any Crowdfunding platform thrown at it, and able to keep up to the fast-paced release cycle of IgnitionDeck.