Embracing the 100% Model
Many months ago, we wrote extensively about our philosophy as it relates to the 100% crowdfunding model, why we didn’t like it, and why we had yet to build that option into IgnitionDeck.
But things change, and as we’ve talked with many of you, we came to realize how impactful a 100% crowdfunding model could be when used appropriately.
While we are certainly very passionate about our personal product intentions, we also embrace the thoughts and efforts of our supporter community. After all, IgnitionDeck’s mission is to set the standard in helping independent makers, creators, and entrepreneurs break away from the middle man, and we can’t do that if we restrict the manner in which you can raise money doing it.
So here’s what we’ve decided to do.
As of early February, we’ve been quietly testing an IgnitionDeck Stripe extension that will enable both the ‘pay right now’ funding model and the more traditional 100% threshold model. Once testing is complete, we’ll be offering it to beta supporters for free. Of course, this leaves out everyone outside of the US and Canada, which is why we’ll next be working on a Braintree extension, followed by several more, soon to be decided, gateways.
Why Stripe and not Paypal? Well the answer is quite simple really. Stripe’s API outmatches Paypal’s in every possible way, and we didn’t feel confident that a Paypal 100% integration would be a good match for our customers. This isn’t to say it won’t happen, but with the difficulty users have had getting App ID’s approved, we felt it was time to move in another direction. We think you’ll really enjoy using Stripe.
For those of you worrying about Amazon, Dwolla, WePay, and others, don’t worry. We’re working on those too.
While this still will not enable IgnitionDeck to be used as a complete crowdfunding platform, a.k.a. Kickstarter clone, out of the box, this should remove quite a bit of customization work for those of you wishing to mod IgnitionDeck to achieve that goal.
We’re very proud of IgnitionDeck’s progress, and we hope that you’ll embrace this change and see it as proof that we’re listening.
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