Crowdfunding FAQ & Updates Extension
We’ve long offered a project meta box that allows you to provide crowdfunding updates and your own FAQ section, but we wanted to offer a richer experience. Today, we’re excited to announce a brand new IgnitionDeck crowdfunding extension called IgnitionDeck FAQ & Updates, that allows you to create crowdfunding updates and FAQs dynamically. They work just as any normal WordPress custom post type would, simply author a new FAQ or update, assign to a project, and save. It will automatically appear in your project’s faq/updates section with a link to the post.
This is something we’ve had in the works for quite some time, but required several modifications to the core, which was prepped for this extension in the B5 h8b release.
So visit the extensions page to get started. The more help you offer your supporters, the more they’ll be willing to donate!
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